Designed to Win The New Fight for Reproductive Freedom
Deploying our strategic intelligence skills to advance the new fight for abortion rights and reproductive freedom in the United States.
The Company We Keep

Strategic Intelligence Services
Landscape Analysis
- \\ The First Step In Strategy Design
- \\ Understand The Strategic Space
Understand your strategic landscape. Identify the key players and financiers, their strengths and weaknesses, the key issues, and the key messages. Using the full array of open source intelligence techniques we lay bare the key risks and the key rewards.
Large-Scale Vetting Operations
- \\ Fast creative approval
- \\ High-volume scans for top concerns
- \\ Turnaround in under 24 hours
Reduce risk related to large groups including donors, endorsements, surrogates, facilities, and organizations.
Strategic Intelligence Report
- \\ Understand Strategic Relationships
- \\ Map Influence
Understand an organization from leadership to organizational strategy. Understand the relationships between key players and the connections that matter to your campaign.
Power Mapping
- \\ Understand Strategic Relationships
- \\ Map Influence
Understand the relationships between key players and the connections that matter to your campaign. From staff, to campaign financiers, to key allies, we map the relationships that matter to your campaign.
Candidate Research
Level One Book
When you need to know top vulnerabilities, ultra fast. The Level One Book provides a look at noteworthy statements and official positions, legal career, boards, and meetings via news reports; social media scan; campaign finance and contribution analysis; review of land records and personal finances; and pay-to-play assessment against networks and personal finances. Covers key votes reported in the media but does not include primary source key votes analysis.
Level Two Book
Provides a vulnerability assessment including background and due diligence; social and traditional media; employment verification; land records and personal finances; and an assessment of primary source legal records and public acts. The Level Two Book covers key votes reported in the media and primary source key votes analysis. Suitable as the foundation for the most demanding public campaigns.
Level Three Book
Broadest and deepest assessment. Provides a detailed vulnerability assessment including background and due diligence; social and traditional media; employment verification; land records and personal finances; and a detailed assessment of primary source legal records and public acts. The Level Three Book covers key votes reported in the media and primary source key votes analysis. Suitable as the foundation for the most demanding public campaigns. Includes fact checking and follow up support.