Winning Locally – Taking Back a State Legislative Chamber in Virginia
Across three election cycles, Nesbitt & Parrinello has delivered 60 research projects for the Virginia Democratic Party. We have deep experience in primary source intelligence collections on the ground, from rural Southwest Virginia to the urban counties of northern districts. Our legal investigations uncovered cases of targets representing child support deadbeats, abusive behavior, drug dealers, as well as corporate clients who employed questionable tactics. Our research of a four-term incumbent Delegate untangled an eight-year-old controversy involving a no-bid contract, his campaign donors, his consulting job, and a misuse of public resources to promote cronyism.
In 2007, Nesbitt & Parrinello helped Senate Democrats take back the chamber for the first time in a decade. Our work on the House side helped the Caucus pick up four seats, the largest gain in that chamber since the Watergate scandal.